Thursday, August 27, 2009

The World's Fair!

Well, here we are that the Wayne County World's Fair! Gary and his family call it that because everyone in the county thinks it's the biggest thing to hit Utah since statehood was granted. We were really excited to take the kids to the rodeo because they love horses. Unfortunately I don't think they could see very well, and things were moving pretty slowly, so they weren't nearly as excited to be there as we thought they would be. The reason they're so happy in these pictures is probably because we finally told them we could go back to Grandma's house.


  1. Oh my stars! The look on Jenzie's face is priceless! What a cutie. : ) I can't wait until you are all up here with me.

  2. This totally cracks me up that you call it the World's Fair. Love the looks on the kids' faces!

  3. Hey!! I found your blog on Chalise's and am so glad I did. Your family is so cute!!! If ya get a chance here is my blog
    or send me an email when ya can
    Hope to catch up with you
