Thursday, July 16, 2009

Every time we go to the zoo, we have to get a picture with the giraffes. We wanted this to be a complete family picture, but Jarom was asleep in the stroller, and since I'm not an idiot, we decided not to wake him up. Jenzie and Colin were more interested in the free piece of candy they had just received than the picture.


  1. Such a cute family!!! We're happy you have a blog now so we can stalk you guys.

  2. Yay you have a blog now!!! I love your pic's!!! It is fun to see them. I'm not too good at blogging which is weird cause I should have all the time in the world to do it but I just don't ever seem to! Whelp what can ya do!?!? It was fun seeing you guys camping last weekend! I'm going to post pic's of that by this weekend!
